Pants, 2023
I had the great opportunity to play with Sio's Orange Core, Thijs Alting and Seb at Zaal 100, Amsterdam. The musical piece titled “Pants” is an homage to women’s liberation and to important female figures that fought against systems of oppression. We chose pants as we saw it is as a symbol of women’s empowerment, as it was illegal for women to wear pants in several parts of the world until they assumed jobs that only men were allowed to practice.
In terms of musical composition, the rest of my group is responsible for it. Thjis Alting sound designed most of the synth sounds, soundscapes and samples present in the piece, Sio's Orange Core created a program that was able to detect the frequency that they was singing and therefore, could control synths sounds with their voice, and Seb was responsible for the creation of “Playable Pants” that controlled parameters of my visual work and drums.
My work in TouchDesigner was based on several videos and images of important female figures in the fight against opression, these being Angela Davis, Rosa Parks, Rosa Luxemburg and Võ Thị Thắng. These images were then generated in a 3D world in which I could control their position randomness and the amount of them, this would them be fed into feedback that was reacting to Bas' playing.
I want to thank my band for the support, and everyone present in the concert.
The concert at Zaal 100, Amsterdam is available here.