“O que aconteceu à cenoura?”, 2022

I had the immense pleasure of participating in the exhibition "O que aconteceu à cenoura? in the Salão Nobre at Baltazar Dias Theater as a member of  “Coletivo melro”.

Based on the book "Confabulations" by John Berger, a confabulation is an invention of its own, in which the person carrying it faithfully believes in it, despite it being a lie. In this lie without evil ends we address the confabulation of carrot and rabbit. When have we seen these two together in the wild? From this false truth we question the continuity of this narrative, "It was a rabbit and a carrot, EA EA EA EA EA, what happened to the carrot?" So, both the artists through our work, and the public through their interaction with the poster, the answer to this simple question.

My work consisted of an interactive audiovisual installation, in which two people, each with their own sound, are able to change musical parameters of the sounds associated with them (these being the sound of a rabbit snoring and another of a knife cutting a carrot) and change the projected images through movement.

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